Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Is it okay to get involved in other people's business?

I think that getting into people's business is not a good thing. Unless there is a good reason
for it. Like if someone is in danger. If you know about something that may be harmful to
someone, or risking their life you should tell someone with authority as soon as you can.
But as far as personal business, people should be able to tell their business to whoever they want to. You don't have to know everyone's business. that is how trouble gets started, especially in school. There is always some drama going on in school, just because someone got into someone else's business, and told it to the wrong person. I've never really got into anyone's business. I really just mind my own business. In don't get into anyone's business, because I wouldn't want anyone to get into mine.

1 comment:

carrie said...

I agree with you completely!
Good details in this post.

Some small errors that you can correct for more points. As is 18/20 points.