Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Is it all about the money?

In my opinion people's actions are driven by money. An example of that is alot of robbing and stealing. People will do anything to get money. Many of our clothes and shoes are made in sweatshops. People who work in sweatshops have very harsh working conditions. Most sweatshops have children working. They want to get as many workers as they can to get all of their products out. Sweatshop workers aren't paid very much. It's barely enough to survive on. That's how many companies save money.

To me money doesn't lead to happiness. But if you have enough money there isn't anything that you could want for. Many people say that "money can't buy happiness". But to me if I had all the money needed i'd be good.

I don't think people who have money are any better than those who don't. Everyone is the same no matter what their bank accounts look like. Many people who aren't as wealthy say that the wealthy are taking from the poor, but to me most people who are wealthy worked very hard for it. And even if poeple are born into a wealthy family, most likely their family worked hard for it.

1 comment:

carrie said...

Good arguments in 1st paragraph.

You'd be completely happy solely because of money? I don't think that you could be without love and friendship, though.

Do you think the incredibly wealthy should have to share their money with the needy?

Excellent post, and well written-just forgot to answer the last question. As is 18/20 points.