Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"Fight" Blog Post

One time when I was in the seventh grade, I started a new school at Clarke Middle. My third day in the lunchroom there was a girl who kept running her mouth. So I threw some ice cream on her. She didn't say anything. But when I seen her and her friends in the gym she wanted to say something then. So I told her to meet me in the lockeroom after gym class. But when I got done changing my clothes she was nowhere to be found. So I forgot about it and walked to class. I seen her on the way to class and I asked her what happened. She said she had to do something. There was alot of people standing around, and you know when your young you wouldn't want people to think you were scared, so I just ran up and hit her. We got into a fight , but Security broke it up. I got suspended for 5 days, and I was only at that schools for about three days.

1 comment:

carrie said...

Yikes. Need to explain what you learned from this experience.
16/20 points.